
Good Friday

Matthew 27. 57-66The cross is a sacrifice for freedom, not for sin! Johnny Hart was a “re-committed” Fundamentalist Christian. At least, that’s how The Comics Journal described him. He taught Sunday School, every week. And he was the creator of…
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Maundy Thursday

John 13. 1-17, 31b-35God changes the world, through the things we most take for granted! It’s been a difficult three-and-a-half weeks. Not as difficult as it’s been in other places, true. But difficult, nonetheless. The separation. The long lines. The…
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Ash Wednesday

Matthew 6. 1-6, 16-21We are forgiven that we might confess.And loved that we might believe! We’ve heard the story, before. About the man, the woman, the garden. After all, that’s where it began. Chapters two and three of the first…
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Midland Lutheran Church