getting out the word

the 8th sunday after pentecost

the PRAYER …

Benevolent God, you are the source, the guide, and the goal of our lives. Teach us to love what is worth loving, to reject what is offensive to you, and to treasure what is precious in your sight, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.


Then [Jesus] told them a parable: “The land of a rich man produced abundantly ….” luke 12:13-21


It’s been ten years, since presidentObama told us, “If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own.” He was saying something about community. About needing each other. Not being able to do it alone. Then, building on the idea, he said, “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Well, that’s all some needed to hear. You might remember the billboard a certain westTexas oilman put up in response. “I built this business. Obama can kiss my Rig.” Good old westTexas!

Truth is, there’s an inclination in all of us to believe that when we succeed, it’s us! All us! Our dream! Our muscle! Our grit! And we tend to overlook everything – & everyone – who make it work. Like teachers. And bankers. And roustabouts. And truckers! Not to mention, the people who design and manufacture things like oilRigs and pumpJacks, pipelines and refineries, and all the rest! It takes a village – a city, actually – to get it done! Maybe Obama’s right. Somebody-else makes it happen! A lot of somebody-elses!

But there’s one thing in the parable I’ve missed, over the years. Something we, really, need to remember … It’s the LAND that produces abundantly! Not the RICH MAN! Not the HIRED HANDS! But the LAND makes it happen! And, you know, the same might just be true for church, as well!

Midland Lutheran Church